
Privacy Policy

About us

Belief Engineering Technology (Wuxi) Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “Our Company” ), 13 years after the establishment of the integrated group (electrical control company and trading company) in 2009, we are making a fresh start with our strengths in electrical control and metal container manufacturing that we have been doing since our inception.

We understand the importance of your personal information and will take security measures to protect your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations. Therefore, our company has formulated the Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”), and we will process customer personal information in accordance with this privacy policy in a legal, legitimate and minimum principle. (Collect, save, provide, publish, delete, etc.).

Please read and understand this policy carefully before using our products and services. When you begin to use our products and services, you are deemed to have agreed to the contents of this policy.

In addition, this policy does not apply to services provided by third parties. If you use third party services, please review the third party’s privacy policy or similar instructions. The Company is not responsible for the improper use or disclosure of your personal information by third parties.

1. Access and use of personal information


Information recorded in electronic media or otherwise that may identify a particular individual or the activities of a particular individual, either alone or in combination with other information.

2.Access to and use of personal information

2.1 Personal information to be obtained

Our company mainly obtains personal information such as company name, title, person in charge name, company address, telephone number, email address, SNS account, etc.

2.2 Get and use scenarios

We may obtain your personal information in the following circumstances.
(1) When you request to try or purchase our products and services
(2) When asking about our products and services
(Note: When communicating with customers over the phone, we may record conversations with customers in order to accurately understand customer inquiries and improve the quality of our customer service.)
(3) If you apply for or attend a seminar or event hosted by our company
(4) When you answer our questionnaire
(5) When using our official SNS account

2.3 Purpose of acquisition/use

We will only use the personal information we receive for the following purposes.
(1) Provide and support products and services;
(2) To inform you of new products, new services, seminars and other information of the Group;
(3) Sending letters, prizes, etc.;
(4) As the basic data, so that products and services more substantial, more valuable;
(5) To respond to inquiries received;
(6) Identify and contact customers when necessary;
(7) To observe the law;
(8) Exercise or protect our legal rights;
(9) In the event of a merger, acquisition, sale or other transaction relating to our business or property.
If we intend to use your personal information for purposes other than those described in this Policy, we will obtain your prior consent.

2.About the use of cookies

When you use our products, services and websites, cookies may be sent to your web browser. Cookies typically contain identifiers, website names, codes, and characters, but do not contain information about specific individuals. We cannot identify you personally unless you enter personal information on our services and websites.
If you do not want to use cookies, you can set your web browser to reject cookies. However, if you refuse to accept cookies, you may not be able to use our website.

3.Personal information protection measures

3.1 Storage life

Unless permitted by law, we will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes described in this Policy. If your personal information exceeds the above retention period, we will delete your personal information.

3.2 Storage location

In principle, our company shall store the personal information collected and generated within the territory of China in the territory of China. However, if the operation of products and services requires the cross-border transfer of customers’ personal information abroad, we will comply with the relevant laws and regulations on the protection of personal information to ensure the security of customers’ personal information.

3.3 Safety measure

We strive to take reasonable management and technical measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, unauthorized use, falsification, damage, loss, etc., of personal information.
(1) In terms of management, the company has designated the person responsible for personal information in each department and ensures that only authorized personnel have access to personal information. In addition, we train our employees on security and privacy protection to ensure that they understand the importance of personal information.
(2) In terms of technology, the Company is committed to protecting personal information databases through appropriate technical measures.

3.4 Notification of a security incident

In the event of a personal information security incident (leakage, loss, etc.), we will inform you of the basic situation of the security incident, possible impact and measures to be taken in accordance with laws and regulations. We will promptly inform the customer of the suggestions that can be taken to avoid and mitigate risks and the improvement measures to be taken by the customer. We will keep you informed of the incident by email, letter, phone call, push notification or other means. If it is difficult to notify the owner of personal information individually, we will do so in a reasonable and effective manner. In addition, we will also inform the handling of personal information security incidents according to the requirements of the regulatory authorities.

4.Providing personal information to third parties

4.1 Processing outsourcing

We may outsource the processing of your personal information to third parties in order to provide services to you. In this case, we will only entrust the processing of personal information for lawful, legitimate, necessary, specific and explicit purposes as set out in this policy. In addition, we will enter into contracts with third parties to prevent third parties from using your personal information for any purpose other than the purpose for which it was commissioned, and third parties can only access your personal information within the scope of their mandates.

4.2 Provided and shared by third parties

In general, we do not provide your personal information to third parties, but we may share your personal information with our group companies if it is necessary for our business.
We do not share, transfer or disclose your personal information to companies, organizations and individuals outside our Group, except in the following circumstances.
(1) Sharing the minimum amount of personal information necessary to outsource the work to third parties within the scope of the purpose of use
(2) When obtaining the express consent of the customer
(3) Cases tried according to law
For example, when required by law, when necessary due to legal proceedings or litigation, when a government agency makes a compulsory request, etc
In addition, when we provide personal information to third parties, we will assess the data protection capabilities of third parties, sign strict confidentiality agreements with third parties, and maintain the confidentiality of personal information in accordance with laws and regulations. Implement safeguards.

4.3 Transfer

If our company engages in a merger, divestiture, liquidation, acquisition or sale of assets or businesses, and your personal information may be transferred as part of such transaction, we will: In addition to notifying you of the name and contact information of the new company or organization (the “successor”), we will ensure that such information is kept confidential at the time of transfer and that, where possible, the successor will comply with this Privacy Policy. Or let the assignee ask for your consent again.

5.Cross-border transfer of personal information

You agree to understand and agree to the following.
Our group is a global organization with cross-border business processes, management structures and technology systems. Therefore, in accordance with this Policy, personal information obtained with your permission may be transferred to or accessed from other countries and regions where our company operates.
Although different personal information protection laws may apply in these countries and regions, we will take legal measures in accordance with these laws and this policy (for example, signing contracts with foreign recipients regarding the cross-border transfer of personal information), and strive to ensure that your personal information is equally protected by laws and regulations and this Policy.
The possibilities of providing information outside China are as follows:

6.Customer rights

According to the relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, you may exercise the following rights with respect to your personal information.
6.1 Querying your personal Information
6.2 Correcting your personal Information
6.3 Delete your personal information in the following cases:
(1) If our processing of your personal information violates laws and regulations.
(2) If our company obtains, uses or discloses your personal information beyond the scope of this Policy without your explicit consent.
(3) If our processing of personal information is a material breach of the contract with the customer.
6.4 Changes to the scope of consent approved by the customer
6.5 Exercise of rights
If you need to exercise any of the above rights, please contact us through the contact details set out in Article 8 of this Policy. After confirming the identity of the customer, we will take action in accordance with the law in a timely manner.
6.6 Exceptions to the exercise of rights
In the following circumstances, we may refuse to exercise your rights according to the provisions of laws and regulations.
(1) Cases involving national security and national defense;
(2) cases involving public security, public health and major public interests;
(3) cases relating to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and enforcement of judgments;
(4) there is sufficient evidence of malice or abuse of rights (such as requests that threaten public security or the legal rights of others, or requests that require ordinary technical means or reasonable expenses); Requests that go far beyond what is required);
(5) The exercise of rights seriously damages the legitimate rights and interests of customers or other individuals and organizations;
(6) Cases involving trade secrets;
(7) Other circumstances provided for by laws and regulations.

7.Revisions to the Privacy policy

This policy is subject to revision. However, we will not limit your rights under this Policy unless we have your consent.
If there are any significant revisions, such as those listed below, we will notify you in a way that is easy to understand (for example, by Posting notice of revisions on our home page).
We will also retain older versions of this policy for your reference.
Important changes include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. If there are significant changes to the service
* Example: When there is a significant change in the circumstances of the acquisition of personal information and the purpose of use.
2, whether there are major changes in equity, organizational structure, etc.
* Example: When ownership changes due to reasons such as bankruptcy or merger
3, when the main recipient of personal information sharing, transfer and disclosure has undergone major changes.
4. When there are significant changes to your personal information processing rights and the way in which they are exercised.
5. Security assessment finds that there is a high risk in the use and management of personal information.
After this policy is revised, if you continue to use our products and services, we will consider that you fully understand and agree to the revised content.

8.Enquiry counter

Belief Engineering Technology (Wuxi) Co., LTD
Building A. -2F Songqiao Wuxi Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park, No.16 Xixing Road, Xinwu District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China

Last updated: 20 November 2023


Contact us

Please feel free to contact us with any inquiries, consultations, or requests.


Reception hours weekdays9:00〜17:00

WeChat<Public account>
